1. Name
The name of the club shall be  “Enderby Bowls Club” 

2. Objects
The main purposes of the club are to provide facilities for and to promote participation in the amateur sport of bowls in Enderby and surrounding districts.
b) To hold representative and friendly matches with other clubs.
c) All games shall be played according to the current rules issued by Bowls England in their handbook.
d) Local competitions to be played to the current rules issued by Bowls Leicestershire. 

3. Status and Management
The Club is a members Club and its affairs will be managed by a Management Committee duly elected at the club’s Annual General Meeting. 

4. Membership
a) Membership of the club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.  However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
The club committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute.  Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the Disciplinary Committee.
b) There shall be 6 classes of membership
     b1   Full Member
b2   Honorary Life Member
b3   Honorary Member
b4   Associate Member
b5   Junior Member
b6   Social Member
Each class of membership shall have full voting rights except b5 and b6.  Members in these categories will not have the right to vote on any club matter including social matters.

5. Financial
The financial affairs of the Club shall be controlled by the Management Committee of which both the Club Secretary and the Club Treasurer shall be an automatic member.

6. Dissolution
   If at any meeting of the club a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, the Club Secretary shall immediately convene a Special Meeting of all Club members to be held not later than one month thereafter, to discuss and vote on the resolution.
b)   If at that Special Meeting the resolution is passed by at least two thirds of members present, the Management Committee shall, at such date specified in that resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the club.
Rule 3 Finance f) will then apply.

1. Management
The Club will hold an Annual General Meeting in Autumn at which all Club Officers will be elected. 
a)  The elected Management Committee will comprise of an Independent Chairperson (with no voting rights), Club Secretary, Club Treasurer, and 9 other Full Members.  Of the 9 other Full Members, each of these to serve for a 3 year period, with 3 Members in rotation standing down each year.  Such Members may stand for re-election if they wish. 
Any vacancy caused by resignation or otherwise, may be filled by the Management Committee who have the power to co-opt.  7 members of the Committee shall be deemed to form a quorum. 
This Committee to be responsible for all Club non-bowling matters.
b) The elected Bowling Committee will comprise a minimum of 5 members to include Chairperson, Secretary, Club Captains, Match & Competition Secretaries, Coaching representatives and co-opted new Members.
c)  The elected Club Secretary will be responsible for Legal, Insurance and Bar matters.  The post may be held by any Full or Associate Member in addition to any other post he/she may hold.
d)  The elected Club Treasurer will have overall responsibility for Club finances and will liaise with Committee to ensure appropriate apportioning of costs and distribution of available money.  The post may be held by any Full or Associate Member in addition to any other post he/she may hold.
e)  Bowling members after 1 year’s membership and Associate members will be eligible to serve on any Committee.
f)  Other Officers to be appointed at AGM:
Authorised cheque signatories (Treasurer + 2 members)
Bar Manager
* Bowls Leicestershire Delegates (1M/1F) to report back to full Club meeting.
* Benevolent Officer(s)
* Independant Club Auditor
* Match Secretaries
* Club Captains
* Child Protection/ Vulnerable Persons Officer
* Data Protection Officer
* Green Keeper/ Green Rangers
* Premises Officer (responsible for maintenance of premises and building assets)
* Web Manager
g)  Each respective Committee may form such bye laws as they consider necessary for the better implementing of Club rules.
h) All Officers shall act ex-officio.

2. Meetings
  The President or any two members of a committee may instruct its secretary to call a meeting of that committee, stating the purpose of that meeting.
b)  An Extra-Ordinary meeting may be convened by the appropriate committee at any time.  An Extra-Ordinary Meeting must also be convened whenever a requisition signed by not less than five members of that committee, specifying the resolutions to be submitted to that meeting, is delivered to the secretary. 
Such an extraordinary meeting shall be held on a date not less than 21 days from receipt of such requisition, and secretary to give 7 days clear notice of this meeting in writing. 
c)  The Club’s Annual General Meeting shall be held on an agreed date in the late Autumn and the Club Secretary shall give at least 14 days notice to all members of such meeting.
d)  In the event of any exceptional occurrence or concern a special meeting of the Management Committee may be called by the Chairperson or any three members of that Committee or by a minimum of 5 Club members via the Committee.  Such intention, stating the purpose of that meeting to be made known to the Club Secretary who must notify all members of the Management Committee at least 7 days prior to that meeting.
e)  At the club’s Annual General Meeting one fifth of the membership shall form a quorum.
f)  At all meetings, the respective chairperson shall have both deliberating and casting vote.  Only members in attendance at a duly called meeting of the club will be eligible to vote at that meeting.
g)  An Extra-Ordinary meeting of all members may be called at any time by the Management Committee.
An Extra-Ordinary meeting of all members must also be convened whenever a requisition signed by not less than 10 members and specifying the reason(s) be submitted to the Club Secretary.  Such extra-ordinary General Meeting to be held on a date not less than 21 days from receipt of such requisition.  The Club Secretary shall give all members a minimum of seven days clear notice of such meeting.

3. Finance
  The Club Treasurer shall present a balance sheet of Club Accounts to the end of the financial year, (being the last day of September) to members at the Club’s Annual General Meeting.
b)  The annual subscription for all classes of membership shall be decided annually by the Management Committee.  Subscriptions shall become due by the last day in March.  A member failing to pay by this date may cease to be a member of the club.
c)  The Management Committee shall be committed to retaining a minimum balance of £10,000 in the bank.  Permission for expenditure on any one item by any individual or group of individuals must be obtained from the Management Committee or the Club Treasurer.
d)  The Club shall make an annual grant from it’s funds to the President towards expenses.
e)  All cheques and other payments for the Enderby Bowls Club account shall be authorised by the Club Treasurer and 1 other who are 2 named members of the club.
f)  Enderby Bowls Club is a non-profit making organisation.  All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club.  No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.  In the event of its winding up or dissolution any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sports’ governing body for use by them in related community sports.

4. Membership
  Completed Membership forms to be received by the Club Secretary for consideration by the Management and Bowling Committees to approve or decline request for membership.  Following acceptance the new member will pay the current annual subscription.  For new members joining part way through a year there will be a pro-rata deduction as from the start of the Club’s Financial Year.
b)  New Members will be issued with a copy of the Club Constitution and Rules and Club Handbook where appropriate.
c)  The Club will adhere to Bowls England Regulation No.9 with regard to Discipline Procedure.  The Management Committee have the power to discipline any member whose conduct appears in its judgement, to be objectionable or detrimental to the best interests of the Club, but not before that member has had the opportunity to explain their conduct to the Club Disciplinary Committee formed in accordance with the said Regulation No.9
d)  No person shall be admitted to membership, or receive the privileges of membership within a period of at least 14 days of their application being received by the Club Secretary.
e)  A member shall have the privilege of inviting guests or visitors to the clubhouse.  The name and address of such guests/visitors and the name of the introducing member shall be recorded in the Visitors Book provided for that purpose.
f)  A member completing 25 years continuous membership of the Club shall be entitled to Honorary Membership of the Club and pay no annual subscription fee.  Such entitlement shall commence at the start of the following financial year.
g)  Honorary Life Membership may be bestowed on a present or  previous full member of the club in recognition of services rendered to the club and will allow all privileges of membership without the payment of any annual subscription.  Any proposal for Honorary Life Membership shall be placed for consideration before the Management Committee in the first instance.
h)  There shall be an Associate Membership of the club, open to previous full paying members who no longer wish to play organised bowls.  This will entitle them to all other club privileges. The annual subscription for Associate Membership will be decided by the Management Committee. (see rule 3 Finance b).
i)  A member who cannot bowl for a time but wishes to remain a club member may do so on payment of the Associate Member’s fee.  When able to bowl again the member will be accepted for full membership and receive priority on any waiting list that exists.
j)  Associate members returning to organised bowling during a season must pay the full membership or pro-rata deduction fee.
k)  There will be a Social Membership for those who wish to participate in the social affairs of the club.  Such members will be subject to such rules or regulations as may be made by the Management Committee or the AGM and will not have voting rights.  Applicants will complete an application form  (obtainable from the Club Secretary) and follow the usual procedure for admission to membership of the club.
l)  Members are asked to note that annual subscriptions are non- refundable under any circumstances.

5. Junior Membership
a)  There will be a Junior Section – able to play on the Green, regardless of age – provided juniors under the age of 18 years are accompanied and supervised by an adult. 
b) A junior visitor to the Club must comply with all club rules.
c)  A junior member will be entitled to play in all competitions on payment of the competition fee.
d)  A junior member will pay no subscription for the first twelve months. Thereafter the current annual junior subscription will be payable until the age of 18 years.
e)  A junior member may not hold office in the club until becoming a full member.
f)  A junior member may place their name on the availability sheets to play matches and may be selected to play in such matches at the discretion of the Match Secretaries.

6. Match Play
a)  The Match Secretaries shall arrange all fixtures.
b)  Players wishing to be considered for selection for a match must indicate their availability on the availability sheet provided. Upon selection, players must confirm availability by indicating on the team sheet.
c)  Members having queries or concerns regarding playing must refer only to the Captain or Vice-Captain concerned.
d)  Club colours may be worn in those matches so defined.
e)  Enderby Bowls Club fully supports Sport England’s regulations regarding the use of performance enhancing banned substances and will allow random drug testing by the Authorities when considered necessary.

7. Maintenance of Green and Surrounds
  Instructions from the Green Keeper or the Green Rangers relevant to the Green must be adhered to and they will have authority to terminate any game being played contrary to such instructions.
b)  Members wishing to borrow items from the club must obtain written permission from four members of the Management Committee, one of whom must be a President, a Secretary or a Treasurer, such borrowings to be recorded – with appropriate signatures in a book provided for that purpose – indicating date of borrowing and date of return in good condition.
c)  The above rule specifically excludes machinery which will not be loaned under any circumstances.

8. Licensing
  The Bar Manager will be appointed annually at the Club AGM  and be responsible to the Management Committee.
b)  The purchase for the club and supply by the club of any intoxicating liquor will be carried out by the Bar Manager.
c)  Social events at which intoxicating liquor is supplied to non-members shall be limited to no more than 12 in any one year.

9. Indemnity
To the extent that any person is not entitled to recover losses under any policy of insurance, each member of the Club shall be entitled to be indemnified out of any and all funds available to the Club which may lawfully be so applied, against all costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever incurred by such person in the proper execution and discharge of duties undertaken on behalf of the Club or arising therefrom, or incurred in good faith in the purported discharge of such duties.

10. Alterations / Additions to Club Rules
  No alteration or addition can be allowed to these rules except at the Club’s Annual General Meeting or at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting convened specifically for that purpose and after written notice of the proposed alterations or additions have been given to the Club Secretary who must give members at least fourteen days notice prior to the meeting.
b)  No alteration to any rule shall be allowed unless two thirds of the membership present at that meeting shall vote in favour of such alteration.

These rules were amended at a Management Committee Meeting held in July 2023 and ratified at the Autumn General Meeting 2023.