For Rules & Regulations of Bowling matters please see the following links:-
Bowls England link-
Bowls Leicestershire link-
For Fixtures/ Results/ Tables in the league matches please see the following links:-
Hinckley & District Monday Triples League link-
South Leicestershire Tuesday Triples League link -
Leicester & District Bowls League/Wednesday league link -
Other Reading:-
Enderby Bowls Club, Constitution and Rules (revised 2016)
Bowls England, Laws Of The Sport Of Bowls, Crystal Mark Edition v.3.2

Full Bowling Membership - £115
New Members fees (1st year) - £30
(reduced to £25 if joining after our Open Day)
Associate Membership - £20
Social Membership - £15
Youth Membership - Juniors under 18 Free membership
N.B. If Bowlers join from other clubs, they will pay the full amount of £115
but this will be reduced pro rata if they join during the season.

Guidelines for Members undertaking “MARKING” duties for Club and County Competitions

In the absence of an Umpire the Marker must make sure that all aspects of play are carried out in line with the “Laws of the Sport of Bowls”.

It is normal procedure for the first named on the competition draw sheet (or home player) to arrange a Marker for the respective competition unless the game is being played on a designated finals day.

When being handed the scorecard familiarise yourself with the name of both players and ensure details of the competition being played are clearly marked on the top of the scorecard together with the number of shots and/or ends required.

Ensure that you have the following items available prior to stepping on to the rink:-
(a) Pen (b) Chalk (c) Bowls Towel (d) Coin (for toss of rink possession prior to start of game) (e) Measures (f) Wedges.
Do not “kick” bowls out of the head as we see so many times when the score is being decided, they should be carefully removed and placed upon the bowls towel thus avoiding any dispute as to how many shots have been scored.

Having introduced yourself to the players and overseen the coin toss you should proceed directly to the far end of the rink and stand in front of the Rink Marker (number) in order to check that the Mat is positioned correctly before the Jack is delivered. You remain at the far end of the rink until the Jack has been cast and then move forward to centre it. Make sure that the Jack has been delivered at least 23 metres from the mat line after it has been centred. If the Jack comes to rest less than 2 metres from the front ditch you may place the Jack alongside the edge of a 2 metre measuring stick (do not place it on the end). When the jack has been centred stand a short distance behind and to one side of the jack, alternating this from time to time. You should answer any specific question about the state of the head which is asked by the player in possession of the rink. Possession of the rink belongs to the player whose bowl is being played and as soon as each bowl comes to rest possession of the rink transfers to the opposing player.

All bowls touching the jack (touchers) should be chalk marked before the following bowl comes to rest. Note: Once the opponents bowl has come to rest then the previous bowl, if not marked, ceases to be a toucher and should not be marked unless this has been previously nominated by the player.

With prior agreement from both players remove all dead bowls from the rink of play and stop any bowl from a neighbouring rink which could interfere with play. Mark the position of a jack in the ditch with the WHITE marker and live bowls (chalk marked as touchers) with RED markers.

DO NOT ENTER THE HEAD when all bowls have been played in an end until the players have arrived at the head and agreed the number of shots scored UNLESS you are asked to measure any disputed shots by either player. When each end has been decided the marker records the score on the scorecard and promptly walks directly to the far end of the rink in readiness to check the correct positioning of the mat for the next end to commence. It is recommended that the marker updates the scoreboard every end, this being most important in an ends game.

DO NOT ENTER THE HEAD when all bowls have been played in an end until the players have arrived at the head and agreed the number of shots scored UNLESS you are asked to measure any disputed shots by either player. When each end has been decided the marker records the score on the scorecard and promptly walks directly to the far end of the rink in readiness to check the correct positioning of the mat for the next end to commence. It is recommended that the marker updates the scorecard every end, this being most important in an ends game.

Do not become distracted by supporters, concentrate fully on the game being played, stay on the rink at all times (unless bowls are too close to the ditch in which case you position yourself on the bank) and perform your marking duty to the best of your ability.
Should you notice that persons sited directly behind the rink of play or elsewhere within the confines of the green are causing a distraction to the players you may politely ask them to refrain from doing so.

When the game is completed the scorecard should be signed by the losing competitor and handed to the winner for them to direct same to the appropriate person/place.

It is important to remember that the players are in charge of the game and you, as a marker, are there to assist only when asked to do so. If you are unsure of the bowls situation when asked, it is advisable to make the player aware of this rather than speculate wrongly. In agreement with each other a player may then decide to visit the head and assess the current situation for themselves.