TUESDAY ART GROUP (T.A.G.S.) - Currently on a Break
(Tuesdays - 10am – 12md - October to March)
The Tuesday Art Group was set up and formed in 2003 by John Wilson and friends as a fund raising group for the Enderby Bowls Club, Mill Lane, Enderby.
This group has been in existence for twenty years and in that time it has contributed funds in excess of £7,000 which is very pleasing. Everyone appreciates what a good venue the Clubhouse is with heating and ‘tea and coffee’ making facilities.
Although the Art Group is mainly about painting and drawing it is also a social gathering with a ‘feel good’ factor about it. Serious discussions sometimes take place, such as ‘which is the best air fryer’, ‘how can I save on central heating’. ‘how many tablets do you take in a day’ or ‘what is the best thing for treating bunions?’
When a new member arrives their usual comment is ‘I can’t draw’ or ‘I can’t paint’.
Both comments turn out to be untrue in 100% of cases.
The present members of the class continue to paint and draw some excellent works of art, although it seems hard for them to accept the praise that I and visitors to the class, give to them.
Covid has played havoc with people’s lives, as it did with this group but things are getting better. A few of our members have had health issues to contend with though, thankfully, most are now back with us. We send our best wishes to those still not yet able to join us and we look forward to their return.
We are a happy and caring group and I repeat that EVERYONE creates works of art that they can be proud of.
Our thanks go to everyone for all their hard work and we also thank those members who are on the tea, coffee and biscuit rota. Numbers are limited so enquiries should be directed to:-
John WILSON - Telephone: (0116) 2774721
